星期日, 9月 28, 2008


水泥媒 外芳
樹若天迷淡若無 雲含怯怩近含糊
風留歎息葉留意 情在水泥花在乎
霧飛傾作山間雨 激瀑旋生石伴塗
久住之春濕悶髮 尋還土淖化榮枯

Water and Soil Mutuality
Bashfully the fog rubs its face,
colorless atop the trees.
Wind heaves a sigh,leaves listen;
Soil and water nourish, flowers takes heed.

Fog,changing its mind, turns to rain
Immediately meeting the mountain range.
Empowered waterfall gives birth to dirt
Peeling off the rock, whirling
until motion ends
in rest,
And peace converts to hurt.

Too long does spring moisten the hair
Boring feeling in the air
Return to the soil!
Say nothing of the flourished or the spoiled.
